Friday, July 19, 2013

TBT *Late Post*

This throwback goes back all the way from when we were born. It began with our grandfathers fighting beside each other in the war where they became best friends. Our mothers grew up together and then got married, which leads to how us four came along. Here's the who's who when it comes to us cousins. The oldest is Lianne (LC) who's younger brother is Brian (B). Then theres me and my little sister Kasey. So as you can see, poor Brian is always the only boy when our families get together. LC and I are probably the closest out of the four but we all still have a lot of fun when we are together.
We've become so close that we consider each other cousins (even though we aren't blood related). We celebrated many birthdays together, new years, and even Sunday dinners at Uncle Albert and Aunty Edith's house. Now it consists more of watching football, going to B's basketball games, graduations and having random dinners with one another. We've grown up together and have always been there to support each other in everything we do. It's come from the parents planning get togethers to us kids planning whens the next time we will see each other. It's always us three girls and B. Poor Brian, he must hate always being the only boy and watching us be weird with one another while he sits there and laughs. We've come from hanging out during our hanabata days and will probably go till we are old and gray with our own kids. Our families may be totally dysfunctional together but that's the way we like it!

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