Sunday, June 30, 2013

Step Into My Life


I've always liked the idea of writing my own blog but I never actually did anything about it....until now. I got the motivation to write a blog from my friend Leanna, who's blog is called I read through her blog last night and I thought "Why don't I just write one and see how it goes?" I mean I've used tumblr as my blog for a while but I kinda grew out of tumblr and I thought this would be the next best thing. Writing my own blog would be great for me because..

1. It would be a great way for people to get to know me and what I do in my life, 2. It would be a way for me to get my feelings about things going on in my life, and 3. It's a great way for me to document my life for me to look back on in the future. But enough about why I'm here, let me tell you a little about myself.

So. My name is Taylor and I'm from the beautiful island of Oahu (more popularly known as Hawaii). I'm 19 years old as of today, June 30th 2013, and I'm going to be a junior at Colorado Mesa University this coming fall. I'm majoring in Criminal Justice and honestly am not 100% sure of what I want to do with that degree. I'm in what most people call "the best years of your life"so I want to bring you on my journey as I try to conquer college, being in love, and figuring out what the rest of my life is going to look like. Sorry this post is so long but I hope this gives you a tiny insite of who I am and I can't wait to show you what I have to offer:)

Till next time!!!
~ looloo