Monday, July 1, 2013

Glad I'm Not A Parent Yet!

For my summer job I help watch kindergarteners at my old elementary school. In the previous years I've worked here, I've never had kindergarten until now. Before seeing the kindergarteners around campus was always my favorite part of the day because they have nothing but love for you when they see you but being with them ALL DAY, now that's a different story!

Of course being with the kindergarteners is always a fun and interesting experience. They say things without filtering but still have the upmost love for you as their teacher. Though sometimes I forget how young they are and come to the realization that a lot of them haven't really learned the difference between how they should and shouldn't act. They talk out of turn, push other kids, and sometimes say the rudest things to you; even though they don't realize that what they just said was rude at all. I quickly found out from working with kindergarteners that I fear for the moment of when I become a parent!!! Of course the idea of having a child with someone I love is something I can only hope for right now but the idea of parenting scares the sh*t out of me!!! I would be responsible for how my children behave and act with others. Some of my kinders are the perfect examples of how parenting isn't as easy as it looks. Parents do the best they can to make sure that their children are well behaved when they aren't around but sometimes that's just not good enough. These kids can sometimes be pure evil, but I know that's not the way their parents raised them to be. Its just a matter of that they are too young to understand what is the right and wrong way to behave. What the kids don't realize is that how they act is a reflection of the parents. When a child acts out, most people start to think "Those parents don't have good parenting skills". Sometimes they are right but most of the time they are wrong. Parents can't fully help the way their children act when they aren't around, for most kids act differently when they are with  them than when they are away from them. It just seems the only thing you can do as a parent is try the best you can and hope that your child acts the way you want them to. This hasn't scared me away from wanting children but it does open my eyes to the idea of that maybe I should start taking notes from my parents. I know I could never be the perfect parent but I'm hoping that I can find a way to parent my future children in a way where I wouldn't have to worry about how my children act when I'm not around.

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