Thursday, September 26, 2013

The One Year Mark

My boyfriend, Dalton, and I just made a year on September 13th, 2013. I know crazy huh!? Can't believe that a year has already gone by. It feels like it's been a lot shorter, which i don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing? I see it as a good thing cause that means that we haven't got sick of each other yet or doesn't feel like the relationship is dragging. So here's the rundown of how we met. It was the beginning of our sophomore year. We were both up at school early for Fall RA training which happened that we were both on the same staff. Dalton was a late hire so I didn't meet him at our staff kickoff dinner that we had in the spring. The first thing I remember was seeing a douche bag looking guy with his Oakley sunglasses and his left arm was extremely sunburnt (he just spend the whole day driving hence the sunburnt arm). We didn't start talking until we got to our retreat, which was a day or two after we first met. We were doing small team building exercises and we ended up being partners for a blindfolded activity. I talked to him a bit during that exercise I started talking to him a lot more, even flirted with him a little bit. He had a girlfriend at the time unfortunately so I respected that but still continued to talk to him. We hit it off pretty quickly and even started making fun of each other in that flirty elementary school way (you know the make fun of you cause you like you kind of thing). I later declared us to be best "frenemies" because of all the making fun of each other we did. I thought that since there wasn't any chance of us getting together that we would at least be good friends. When we got back from retreat and got our staff phone number sheet, I put his number in my phone and texted him that night. We started texting a lot and hung out quite frequently with our other staff members. I even met his girlfriend when she arrived at school a couple weeks later. A month after school started Dalton and his girlfriend broke up. Everyone kept telling us that we were gonna end up dating but I didn't believe it because I didn't see any chance of us getting together. Plus I had got out of a bad relationship over the summer so I wasn't really looking for anything. Dalton told me he liked me through a text message when he went home for Labor Day. I was beyond excited to hear that someone I liked had liked me back. I went through high school where that didn't really happen so having it happen with someone I really liked was awesome! When he returned to school, we decided to be exclusive to each other but not be official since he just got out of his last relationship a few weeks prior (i know that makes me sound awful). I didn't want people to think that he had broken up with his girlfriend to start dating me and I wanted to make sure that he truly liked me and that I wasn't just a rebound. We became official on September 13th when we decided to make it official and we've been together ever since. I notice a difference in our relationship after being together for this long. We are a lot more comfortable with each other and we aren't afraid to show off our annoying qualities. I notice myself getting more annoyed than I did when we started dating but I also find myself loving him more and more every single day. We've hit the one year mark and  I'm hoping to keep on going!